Vector Math Add-In for ExcelOverview
The Intelligent Tools Vector Math Add-In provides a wide range of vector math functionality for Microsoft Excel(tm) 97 and higher. It is designed to operate on vectors of any dimension and provides various classes of functions including: Dot Product, Cross Product (with support for higher dimensions), Basic Math Operations (+-*/), Normalization, Length, Vector Comparison, Trigonometric Functions (sin, cos, acos,...), Exponential Functions (exp, log, pow,...), Factoring, Rotation in Unlimited Dimensions, Linear and Non-linear Cartesian Interpolation, Linear and Non-linear Spherical Interpolation, Fuzzy Logic (AND, OR, XOR,...), and much more. The add-in allows data collections to be named and used in complex formulas by name, simplifying operations and keeping Sheets and Workbooks from becoming cluttered.
Fixed some bugs.